Incontinence also causes a drop in libido

On the occasion of the national week of continence from March 18 to 24, the French association of urology looks at a subject little known to the general public: sexual disorders linked to urinary incontinence.

Nearly 3 million French people of all ages are prone to incontinence. A figure that would be greatly underestimated, because many people would not dare to talk about it or would underestimate the problem, according to the French association of urology.

By incontinence is meant "any involuntary loss of urine of which the patient complains". A taboo subject, difficult to exteriorize for those who suffer from it, even with their doctor. "Incontinence, linked to functions that refer to excretion and to animality, such as sexuality, is surrounded by a modesty which makes it difficult to express a difficulty, a disorder, a complaint "analyzes the collective.

All the more difficult to speak of an equally embarrassing consequence of incontinence which concerns sexual disorders. 25 to 50% of women with urinary incontinence complain of sexual problems. Another figure, 60% of women with urinary incontinence admit to leaking during sex, according to a recent study. Incontinence negatively impacts the frequency of sexual intercourse. These urinary leaks can also result in a decrease in sexual desire , libido, reduction in orgasms , or even their absence, and finally pain during intercourse .

In men incontinence linked to erectile dysfunction

Male urinary incontinence, less common in men, is also accompanied by sexual problems. Most often it concerns subjects undergoing treatment against prostate cancer . These sexual disorders are manifested by erectile dysfunction , or even incontinence during intercourse.

Urologists stress the importance of talking about these disorders in order to improve the management of incontinence. "The management of incontinence, when it is adapted to the symptoms and needs of the patient, improves the quality of life and in particular the quality of sexual life", assure the professionals. A key to better support: a revaluation of the image of n i , better body awareness, improvement or disappearance of troublesome symptoms.