Pregnant: the healthy pounds of pregnancy

It is of course desirable to gain pounds during pregnancy ... But this weight gain must be gradual and reasonable. Advice on how to navigate it with dietician-nutritionist.

"How many kilos am I going to gain?" Most pregnant women are haunted by this question. And for good reason: too much weight gain during pregnancy means more fatigue. The back, the legs, the joints take a hit. Worse, these pounds increase the risk of gestational diabetes and cardiovascular disease for the mother. As for the baby, it should not be too big either, otherwise it could lead to obesity later.

“Conversely, this is not the time to go on a keto diet plan for weight loss, because we would expose ourselves to deficiencies! », Insists the dietician-nutritionist . The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is between 9 and 12 kg. But don't get fixated on the scale!
Keep in mind that these pounds are necessary for the proper development of your baby. The secret to gaining “good weight” during pregnancy? Knowing how to listen to your desires, make smaller meals and have fun, but without eating for two!

Foods to choose

Milk, dairy products, fruits and vegetables with all meals, the main thing is to eat varied and balanced.
Four other elements are essential: iron (present in red meat and lentils), vitamin D (present in butter), omega-3s (in fatty fish such as mackerel or salmon, rapeseed oil , nuts) and folic acid (found in watercress, spinach). The rule: eat everything, without depriving yourself. Because frustration often generates overconsumption!

Anti-craving tips

Splitting your meals (making 4 or 5 small meals a day) allows you to eat in smaller quantities, and also prevents nausea. Reserve your lunchtime dessert for a snack, for example. Drink throughout the day, preferably waters rich in magnesium, which limit muscle pain. Walking, water aerobics, shopping… You have to keep active as long as possible. Pregnancy is not a disease!

What to avoid

Sweeteners, appetite suppressants and other diet products (0% yogurt), which do not contain any vitamins. Limit fats and sugars intake: if you're feeling hungry, go for a dairy product and a slice of wholemeal bread with dark chocolate. Cold meats, tarama, oysters, smoked meat, raw milk cheese… These products should be avoided, not because they make you fat, but because they can transmit an infection , listeriosis.